Knowledge Centre
How do you avoid insolvency?
As we have seen in the last few weeks, the world is changing at light-speed. Before the world was struck by COVID-19, a large percentage (over 60%) of businesses failed and went into insolvency in the first three years. I expect the same percentage will fail or go into insolvency in the next three months […]
How the turnaround process works
As a turnaround advisor , when I first meet a potential client, I feel like they think I have a big magic wand, and I’ll be able to come in, wave my wand, create an instantaneous miracle that will cost them a small fortune and then disappear, leaving them with a lot of turmoil. However, this […]
Why Friends And Family Are Oil To Water For Small Business Owners
For most small business owners their business is a large part of their life. They may have given up a 40-hour-week job to work 80 hours a week on their business. As such, either the business owner wants to talk to family and friends about their business, and/or friends and family want to talk to […]
Is a not-for-profit board role more difficult than a for-profit role?
For many aspiring to be a company director, time on a not-for-profit board is seen as a prerequisite. It’s almost as though time on a not-for-profit board is a form of apprenticeship for the company board role. Go on a not-for-profit board, learn how it operates, get some practical experience then apply for a company […]
Every business is a family business
One of the nice things about working for yourself is the flexibility it gives you with regard to the hours you work. This reason alone is why lots of people head off and start their own business – me included. “I’ll be able to take the kids to basketball practice,” or “I can have the […]
Business solutions for every stage of your business journey
Whether you’re a large corporation or a small business, every commercial cycle involves challenges in managing growth, stagnation and decline due to poor management, bad creditors, or changing market conditions.
At Byronvale, we are renowned for our ability to quickly identify key issues, and then advise you on how to best overcome complex business challenges so you can run your business better.